The plastic bottle (PET) shredder powered by EnergyBike, is a device that fits into the ecological lifestyle trend. Nowadays, when the utilization of plastics is becoming a global problem, it is important to be able to process plastic waste at least on a small scale. Thanks to the shredder, plastic bottles and other plastic containers can be ground into small pieces, and then given a thermal treatment to create raw material for secondary use. For example, a filament for a 3D printer. Pedaling on an EnergyBike produces the energy needed to power the device. The cover and hopper of the shredder are made of transparent polycarbonate so that we can watch how a bottle gets between the blades and is cut into small pieces.
Shredder features:
Set consist of:
EnergyBike features:
Energy needed to power the shredder is generated by a person pedaling on a bicycle. Grinding 1 bottle of 1.5 liters takes about 20 seconds.
In this set, instead of the EnergyBike, it is possible to use other fitness equipment producing electricity, such as: EnergyRower, EnergyAirbike. Please ask for the price of such a set.
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