631,87 $ (777,20 $ z VAT)
We offer for rent a set consisting of spinning EnergyBike and a slow-speed juicer. The juicer is powered directly from the EnergyBike, it does not need external power supply. This set is used on promotional campaigns, events, integration events, family festivities and many other types of events addressed to the general public.
What is it about?
The power generating module that enables converting kinetic energy into electric energy is mounted on the flywheel of spinning EnergyBike. There is a socket in the housing of voltage stabilizing station. You can plug in slow-speed juicer or any other device that takes about 120 Watts of power. A person pedaling on a bicycle puts into motion a flywheel and generates electricity. While someone is riding the slow speed juicer runs and produces juice. “Riding” one glass of drink takes about a minute, and the effort can be compared to riding uphill. Our idea to power low-speed juicers from EnergyBike is very popular among event agencies. Participants of the event regardless of their age want to “ride” a glass of juice. A big advantage of our set is that it can be offered to almost any age group, children from 9 years, youth, adults and the elderly person.
The best are juices from oranges and apples. Slow juicers preserve most of the nutritional quality of fruits. Additionally awareness that the energy necessary for production of juice has been generated thanks to the strength of its own muscles is a source of additional satisfaction. Our offer will provide you with a great form of promotion and advertising, as it is an attraction for entire families, attracting attention due to its unusual nature and innovation, and at the same time fits into a healthy and ecological lifestyle.
An additional advantage of our system is the fact that it can be placed anywhere. In a closed room and outdoors.
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