What devices and attractions can be powered by training on an Energy Ski Trainer?
slow juicer
blender for the production of cocktails
phone charging panel
educational light bulb panel
energy station
game EnergyBird
Ski trainer – is a device from the fitness series, which is perfect for fitness clubs, home gyms and training rooms. During training, 80% of the muscles of the entire body are involved – back, cancer, buttocks and legs. It also allows you to work on condition, strength, stabilization and motor coordination. EnergySkiTrainer has been adapted to generate electricity using a generator module – driven by a special modular V-belt. While training on the device we generate electricity and we can power devices.
What devices and attractions can be powered by training on an Energy Ski Trainer?
slow juicer
blender for the production of cocktails
phone charging panel
educational light bulb panel
energy station
game EnergyBird
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